This is Ms. Parker, caferteria worker at SC State University. She told me, "I could not find another one. I do know what's behind that Nike logo, but I guess what it means to me is, whatever you're facing in life, what has to be done that needs to be accomplish, just do it. No hesitation, no procastranation, just get it done and get to the next level. I love the Nike brand of shoes."
This is Dr. Kalu Kalu, a pharmacist at the Regional Medical Center. He told me "I believe in the scientific research on wearing masks, in order to protect myself against the covid-19 virus, and from people who may be infected or may be exposed from the virus. And also at the same time protect other people who are exposed from the virus or are also infected. I believe that people should wear masks."
This is Mrs. Sharon, a speech language pathologist. She told me, "My face mask is a mask that I made from my sewing machine from cloth that I found at the store. It was made when I could barely find face masks. I chose a design that I would like to wear in public. My mother taught me how to sew, so it was an honor to make this mask to represent her because she passed away a couple of years ago. Not only did I make masks for me but I also made masks for my church members, my friends, my family, and also people in nursing homes and also for Indian reservations. I joined a few groups to show me how to make the masks, and I am pretty proud of myself of the masks that I made and that's why I like to wear it because I made it myself."
This is Dr. Luke, an empolyee at SC State who is the Director for Office of International and National Student Exchange Programs. He told me, "I believe in student success. Every student has a seat at the table of academic succes at South Carolina State University. I believe in student success and all our students can achieve."