SOT 1: Sandra Paul Miller was sprayed with water by a fire truck just because she was picketing
SOT Sandra Paul Miller :30
In: We went down Amelia Street
Out: I enjoy the water
SOT transcript: "We went down Amelia Street, and I can remember one day when I came out to march, we went down Amelia Street, and that was very exciting you know when your in things you don't fear your life, but it was fearful. I remember when the um, the fire truck came, and when the fire truck came the fire truck started squirting the water out on us, and I thank God it was a hot summer day because you know like you said no fear I enjoy the water."
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SOT 2: A man tried to to run Sandra off of the sidwalk and cursed her and other people with her/She and other young people spent the night in jail
SOT Sandra Paul Miller :42
In: Then later on we went down
Out: the night in jail
SOT transcript: "Then later on we went down Russel Street, and I remeber one particular day when I was marching, uh we were marching in front this loan company, and I remeber this man came out and he was trying to run us off the sidewalk, but they always told us don't take matters in our hands go and get you know the higher authorities, and I remeber that day when he came out he started cursing us and runnign in front the business, and what we did we just went back and we got some of the fellas. And then another occasion I remember, we went to jail, and I was in that group of people that went to jail, and we spent the night in jail."
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SOT 3: Sandra Paul Miller did not go to the SC State Campus on the night of Feb 8th 1968 because her mother would not let her protest anywhere at night
SOT Sandra Paul Miller :40
In: Ms. Miller were you on
Out: that happened to him
SOT transcript: "Ms. Miller were you on the campus the night of Feb 8th?" "Ok now, it just so happens that night my mother wouldn't let me out because it was night but I just missed it. But other than that, but I can say I remeber Mr. Middleton. He was our classmate at Wilkinson High School, and it was a very very sad day, I mean it was sad ya know, and he was a nice fella, basketball player, outstanding everything. But it was just one unfortunate thing that happened to him."
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