In this assignment, my class and I had to do a field exercise where each of us had to demonstrate that we understood how to use light reflectors. We went outside and captured the steps involved in using this tool.
The photos that were included were: A (1) before and (2) after picture of the reporter without the sun deflection and the after showing the improved lighting. There must also be a (3) wide shot from behind the video camera showing the whole set up or choreography of this process. Also get a photo from (4) behind the reflector operator showing the white disc and the reporter’s face, so we see the light shining up to his or her face. Take also a photograph from (5) behind the reporter seeing all of the people involved: reporter, video camera operator and light reflector person. Also take a (6) closeup photo of the reflector doing its thing.
Below, you can see photos of my classmate Amauri Allen
Before Picture
After Picture
Wide Shot From Behind the Video Camera
Behind the Reflector Operator
Behind the Reporter
Close Up Photo of the Relfectors Effect on the Reporters Face
Here are some photos of me doing the same shots my classmate did
Before Picture
Wide Shot From Behind the Video Camera
Behind the Reflector Operator
Behind the Reporter