In order to succeed in college, there are certain strategies that you need to have. You need to know how to study well, get to class on time, organize your homework, as well as prioritize your study time for quizzes, tests, and exams. Also, as the semester progresses, you might be showing up later to class rather than on time. I wanted to know what strategies that SC State professors, as well as a student, would suggest to the university’s student body. I asked Mr. Smith, who is a communications professor at SC State, how students can organize themselves to complete their homework on time. He said, "Make sure that you map out what you need to do and prioritize certain things, such as what I need to do most first, and then afterwards.” I asked Dr. Luke, who is the Director Office of International and National Student Exchange Programs, who else can students ask to help them with their homework as well as study for quizzes. He said, “Students should go to the student’s success center and seek help from tutors. There are also some faculty that offer tutoring in their departments or recitals. and some departments have student support units in their departments.”
Mr. Smith
Click the link below to hear the audio version Mr. Smith's interview
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