Thursday, April 13, 2023

Human Interest Story on Midrina Tucker

As many of us know, college life consists of many things. Whether it be completing a ton of assignments, keeping our grades up, or applying for internships, college students are busy 24/7. For this assignment, I decided to ask one of my senior classmates, Midrina Tucker, an overview of how her college experience has been, how her senior is going, as well as her future after college. Also, I wanted a personal opinion from one of Midrina's friends about who she is a person. The student that I gave this question to was Benjamin Gadson, who is also a senior at SC State.

Below are some beautiful pictures of Midrina

Thanks to the covid-19 pandemic, Midrina's life at SC State was, in a word, interesting. "During my matriculation at SC State, it's been a whirlwind. These past three years have been something not typical due to the fact that I was in school when Covid-19 first came about. What was very nice was the way that the university continued to maneuver and find ways for education to be continued via online, but still have a very close touch with students to make them feel like they are not sitting at a computer screen; My freshman year molded me the most. That year is when your independent and you don't have someone there to guide you through everything. That's when you have to get your stuff together, and SC State has definitely implemented some more independence and guidance for me."

Midrina's senior year at SC State hasn't been exactly a walk in the park, but at the same time she has enjoyed it. "My senior year has been a whirlwind. I pledged in my junior year, and my senior year has consisted of a lot of school work and Delta. It has been enjoyable and it kind of went by really fast. We are down to the last three weeks before graduation and my senior year has definitely been one for the books."

For some college students, its easy to ask questions. But for other students, its not that easy. This is what Midrina had to say about asking questions in college. "The most difficult part of my college experience would be reminding myself that it's ok to ask questions. For a while, I was not comfortable to ask questions. I just felt like I was annoying my professor or that I should already know the answers. I learned that people are there to help you for a reason. I don't have to do everything by myself, that is why the teachers are here."

Not everyone likes the intership that they applied to, but this is not the case for Midrina."I absolutely love the internship that I am currently doing. I want to be a news reporter, so I went in thinking that this is so strict, there's no laughter or fun, but that was not the case. It has been a very fun, it has a comfortable environment and the learning process is pretty nice. The internship has been relatable. The employees want you to feel welcomed and enjoy what you’re doing so that you can get that everyday taste. I work at my internship three times a week from 9 am to 7 pm, so I spend the whole day there. During that time, I am learning a lot of new things whether its pertaining to producing, reporting or just even editing, things of that nature. I am a jack of all trades and still a master at all of them."

When it comes to plans after graduation, Midrina said, "After I graduate, my plans are to work at a local news station in my hometown Columbia, SC. I would like to dabble as well in producing, aside from being a reporter fulltime. Hopefully after that I would like to relocate to a bigger city and a bigger network."

Benjamin Gadson, a senior at SC State, gave his oppinion on who Midrina is as a person. Benjamin had many nice things to say about Midrina. "Midrina is the best friend that you could ever have. She is a true friend, very inspiring, and motivational. She is always picking me up when she sees that I am feeling down and she is very encouraging. She doesn't just look on the outside of a person, she also looks on the inside. She is always finding new ways to encourage the people that she is surrounded by and she surrounds herself with people who have goals and motives in their lives. Midrina is a very talented, hardworking young woman and she has a very bright future."

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